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ModISC retreats and symposia

Every year a 2.5 day ModISC retreat will be held, which focuses on intra ModISC collaborations and networking as well as project presentations via talks and posters, reviewed by external guests. All doctoral researchers will be responsible for selecting and inviting these guests as key-note lecturers for broadening their general and special knowledge within the field of photo-induced processes.

From the second year on, annual one-day symposia will address doctoral researchers of ModISC as well as doctoral researchers and their supervisors from related national and international Research Trianing Groups.

4th Retreat of ModISC PhD und Postdoc researchers

From 4th to 5th of November 2024 the (post-)doctoral researchers of ModISC came together for their forth ModISC PhD retreat in Kardinal Schulte Haus in Bergisch Gladbach. On the first day, all of them presented their projects followed by fruitful discussions with all fellow (post-)doctoral members of ModISC. On the second day, we discussed the upcoming events of the qualification program. Furthermore, the doctoral researchers participated in a short career workshop.

4th ModISC Retreat

Our 4th retreat took place from 5th to 7th of February 2024 in Burg Wegberg in Wegberg.

During our retreat the doctoral researchers presented their project progress in project cluster a to D.
A special highlight were the guest talk given by Prof. Dr. Shirin Faraji (formerly University of Groningen, now HHU) and Prof. Dr. Malte Gather (University of Cologne).
Whereas Shirin gave a talk about "Databased accelerated on-the-fly hybrid quantum/classical dynamics", Malte gave insights in "Organic photonics for biomedical research and next generation displays".

As in the years before, the retreat was used by all member for an extensive and fruitful exchange of the actual projects, but also project ideas for the future. These scientific discussion were completed by our evening gatherings with amusing team games.

3rd Retreat of ModISC PhD und Postdoc researchers

From 27th to 28th of November 2023 all (post-)doctoral researchers of ModISC came together for their third ModISC PhD retreat in Kardinal Schulte Haus in Bergisch Gladbach. All of them presented their projects followed by fruitful discussions with all fellow doctoral members of ModISC. Furthermore, we discussed future elements of the qualification program and science communication action conceptionally.

3rd ModISC Restreat

Our 3rd retreat took place from 20th to 22nd of March 2023 in Schloß Mickeln in Düsseldorf.

During our retreat the doctoral researchers presented their project progress in oral talks and via posters.
There was also a poster prize to be won. Simon Metz convinced with his poster and is now the proud owner of a unique ModISC mug. Congratulations.
It was also a pleasure to hear talks from Prof. Dr. Claudia Bohrmann-Linde, Didactics of Chemistry, University of Wuppertal, Dr. Vera Vasylyeva-Shor, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan Meisner and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Suta who presented their recent research and approaches. Prof. Dr. Thomas Jagau, KU Leuven, accepted the invitation to speak about "Quantum chemistry of unbound electrons" at our retreat.

This retreat was a perfect basis for a get-together of all ModISC members as well as the integration of our new doctoral researchers (2nd cohort). Apart from this, the joint discussion of the ModISC projects led to beneficial contributions and impulses for further proceedings.

2nd Retreat of ModISC PhD students

From 15th to 16th of December 2022 all (post-)doctoral researchers of ModISC came together for their second ModISC PhD retreat in Kardinal Schulte Haus in Bergisch Gladbach. The goals of the retreat, getting to know the first and second generation of doctoral researchers, the conceptual work on the qualification program as well as the intensification of existing and initiation of new cooperations, were successfully achieved. All ModISC (post-) doctoral researchers presented their projects and discussed the modules of the current qualification program during a short workshop.

2nd ModISC Symposium in 2022

The symposium of Research Training Group 2482 / ModISC will take place on 22nd and 23rd of September 2022 at the campus of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.

You can find more information about the location and the program here: ModISC Symposium

Confirmed Speakers

John Jolliffe, NFDI4Chem, University of Mainz

Anna Köhler, University of Bayreuth

Christian May, Fraunhofer FEP Dresden

Josef Michl, University of Colorado

Sebastian Reineke, TU Dresden

Peter Skabara, University of Glasgow

Patrick Zobel, University of Vienna


2nd ModISC retreat

Our 2nd retreat took place from 23rd to 25th of March 2022 in Sport- and Seminarcenter in Radevormwald.

This year's retreat of the Research Training Group 2482 / ModISC was a great success. Our PhD students presented their project progress in the form of posters and short poster presentations. In the subsequent poster sessions, the results were discussed in detail and valuable impulses for further work were given.
There was also a poster prize to be won. Oliver Nolden convinced with his poster and is now the proud owner of a unique ModISC mug. Congratulations.
Our postdoc, Dr. Bárbara Noguiera de Faria, presented her results in a talk.
It was also a pleasure to welcome external guests for a lecture: Prof. Dr. Claudia Bohrmann-Linde, Didactics of Chemistry, University of Wuppertal, and Prof. Dr. Eli Zysman-Colman, Optoelectronic Materials, University of St. Andrews, accepted the invitation to speak about their work at our retreat. Although Prof. Bohrmann-Linde's talk unfortunately had to be postponed to the summer semester at short notice, ELi Zysman-Colman's talk about the "Design of multi-resonance thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials for organic light-emitting diodes" via Webex was very interesting for all participants, especially due to its thematic proximity to ModISC.

1st Retreat of ModISC PhD students

From 30th of September to 1st of October 2021 all (post-)doctoral students of ModISC came together for their first ModISC PhD retreat in Kardinal Schulte Haus in Bergisch Gladbach. During this meeting they presented and discussed their projects and develop concepts on how to prepare and communicate their projects to a public audience.

1st Virtual Symposium of Research Training Group 2482 / ModISC

The symposium of Research Training Group 2482 / ModISC took place as an online event on 29th of September 2021. More information are available on the website of our Symposium.

Invited speakers:

Guest speaker   Title of talk
Dr. Daniel D'Souza Cynora GmbH

From research to manufacturing of OLED Materials

Prof. Dr. Birgit Esser Albert-​Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany Spiro-​donor-acceptor compounds and conjugated nanohoops as optoelectronic materials
Prof. Dr. Denis Jacquemin University of Nantes, France Ab initio Studies of ESIPT Dyes
Prof. Dr. Michael Reggelin Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany Synthesis of crosslinkable low molecular weight and high molecular weight semiconductor materials
Prof. Dr. Cristian Strassert University of Münster, Germany

Light-​driven coordination compounds and hybrid assemblies as multimodal (bio)imaging agents, ROS-​sensitizers, oxygen sensors and (electro)luminophores – From synthesis to implementation

Besides to these external speakers, 2 members of ModISC also gave a talk:

ModISC member Title of talk
Dr. Bárbara Noguiera de Faria, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Femtosecond Spectroscopy, Heinrich-​Heine-University Düsseldorf TADF Emitter Studied by Time Resolved Near-​Infrared Spectroscopy
Christian Wulkesch, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Heinrich-​Heine-University Düsseldorf Photocatalyzed Perfluoroalkenylation - A synthetic application of ISC processes in organic chemistr

Group pictures of the symposium participants

1st ModISC retreat

The 1st annual ModISC retreat took place from October 5th until October 7th 2020.

This meeting served as a platform for the first joint meeting of all members - project leaders and doctoral students - with regard to the individual projects and the activities within the four project areas.
All four project areas were presented each in a short lecture. Subsequently, the doctoral students assigned to the respective area presented their projects in talks.
The following guests gave thematically perfectly to ModISC fitting talks:

Guest speaker Title of talk

Prof. Dr. Andreas Steffen

TU Dortmund, Inorganic Chemistry

Excited state behaviour of d10 (multi)metal complexes – from luminescent systems to photocatalysis

Prof. Dr. Daniel  Escudero

KU Leuven, Computational Photochemistry Group

Quantitative predictions of photochemistry from first principles: from anti-Kasha emissions to quantum yields of phosphors

Thanks to all participants for giving insight into the project areas and individual projects, as well as for the vivid discussions afterwards.

Responsible for the content: PD Dr. Klaus Schaper : Contact by e-mail