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The ModISC qualification program intends to enhance the graduate training on excited state processes with a structural three-year PhD program based opun an interdisciplinary, well-founded theoretical and experimental education.

The qualification concept of ModISC is structured on the following modules:

Module M-1: Interdisciplinary PhD project

The topics of the PhD projects are innovative, challenging and highly interdisciplinary, suitable for a tentative time of 3 years from start to doctoral degree.

Module M-2A: ModISC Seminars

The monthly ModISC seminars will focus on the individual progress of doctoral research projects and on ensuring a common level of interdisciplinary understanding. For synchronizing the varying background knowledge of the PhD students introductory tutorials will be given during the first year about the faculty topics: Quatum chemicistry, Spectroscopy, Preparative fundamentals and Principles of device fabrication and optimization. During the second and third year, the sessions will start with tutorials and or inputs on scientific problems arising either from current literature or the ModISC doctoral research projects. The seminars will be combined with the progress reports of the doctoral students. The seminars will conclude with a suitable topic lecture by an external guest.

More information about the ModISC Seminars will be given on the separate ModISC Seminars website.

Module M-2B: Retreats and Symposia

Every year a retreat will be held, which focuses on intra ModISC collaborations and networking as well as project presentations via talks and posters. From the second year on, annual one-day symposia will address doctoral researchers of ModISC as well as doctoral researchers and their supervisors from related and international Research Training Groups.

More information about the ModISC Retreats and Symposia will be given on the separate ModISC Retreats and Symposia website

Module M-2C: Conferences

ModISC specifically encourages its doctoral researches to actively communicate their results to the international scientific community by attendance and contribution to (international) conferences by poster or oral presentation. Besides specific conferences on photo-induced processes also general chemistry conferences shall be attended to present the obtained results to a broader scientific audience.

Module M-3A: Mandatory Transferable Skills seminars and workshops

A core curriculum in transferabel skills aims on advanced development and improvement of generic scientific and professional skills. This includes a seminar on good scientific practice and 4 two-day workshops on presenting science, scientific writing etc. Here, ModISC benefits from the long-standing expertise and collaboration of the faculty's graduated academy iGRAD.

Module M-3B: Advanced Program on Research Specific Presentation

The fellows will benefit from an enhanced program for presentation and communication of science, with special focus onphoto induced processes. The workshop-program contains three different treatments: 1) Development of multimedia teaching tools; 2) Preparing a Science Slam; 3) Dissemination - Presenation of the specific research topics to public (Open-Door-Day, Science Slam, School lab day)

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