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Excursion to Merck

ModISC @ Merck

On February 19, 2024, 13 doctoral researchers of the second cohort of ModISC took part in the excursion to Merck.

A member of the public relations team first took us to the Merck Experience Center. There we were able to learn about the history of Merck and products in which Merck was and is the world market leader (liquid crystals, cancer drugs, etc.). 

We also met Dr. Rocco Fortte, Head of Display Solutions LC + OLED Chemistry. After our doctoral researchers Lisa Pankert and Tobias Böhmer presented our Research Training Group ModISC, Dr. Rocco Fortte introduced Merck's Display Chemistry including the historical development to us.

This exchange was followed by a Lab visit of the Display Solutions LC + OLED Chemistry department.

After a lunch break in the Merck canteen, we visited (dressed in fancy singe-use lab coats and safety goggles, see picture) the OLED-Sublimation unit guided by Associate Director Dr. Jan Gajewski.

Directy afterwards, we got an almost one-hour tour of the factory premises by bus and were given a very good overview of the location of the individual areas of the company.

After 5 hours at the Merck campus we headed back to Cologne and Düsseldorf by train while enjoying our "Nussecken" from the Merck canteen's bakery.

Kategorie/n: ModISC