Wir freuen uns bekannt zu geben, dass unsere Doktorandin Jennifer Kremper für das kommende Jahr in das renommierte SelmaMeyerWISS-XIV Mentoring…
All PhD researchers and Postdocs met for a productive meeting in Bergisch Gladbach.
Lena Halbrügge presented her project at the International Conference of Education, Research & Innovation in Sevilla, Spain.
Lena Halbrügge defended her thesis successfully!
Am 27.09.23 findet der Equal Opportunity Day - Successful Together! Make the Change! statt, organisiert von den Sonderforschungsbereichen und…
Our doctoral researchers Annette, Dietrich, and Benedikt presented their projects at the International Conference of Luminescence (ICL) from…
Philipp Schmeinck defended his thesis successfully!
Julia Wiefermann defended her thesis successfully!
The results of a collaborative study are summarized in a recent paper published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C.
Oliver Nolden defended his thesis successfully!